Thai Competency Test (TCT)

Thai Competency Test (TCT) for foreigners is arranged by the Ministry of Education of Thailand. The only official certificate for the Thai language.

Those who need a certificate to make an application to universities, to apply for a job, or to run a business. The test is conducted once a year, end of November 2020, in Bangkok and the score is valid for 2 years.

This test comprises of 4 sections – listening, reading, writing, and speaking.


Studied for 100 hours


Studied for 200 hours


Studied for 300 hours


Studied for 450 hours


Studied for 600 hours

There is a Thai class for you

Take our German class onsite in our convenient location, just 6 minutes from Dhoby Ghaut and Somerset MRT stations; you will enjoy minimal hassle and travel time to reach us. 

Group class starts at S$300 for 18 hours.
Private class starts at S$80/hour.

Learn online conveniently without the need to travel to our centre. You will receive the same attention as in an onsite class without the hassle.

Group class starts at S$300 for 18 hours.
Private class starts at S$50/hour.

Exam Format

The Chulalongkorn University Thai Proficiency Test for Thai as a Foreign Language (CU-TFL) is developed by the Sirindhorn Thai Language Institute at Chulalongkorn University. This test evaluates proficiency in the Thai language across speaking, reading, listening, and writing skills.

Applicants can choose between integrated skills assessments or skills-specific tests. The CU-TFL is a standardized proficiency test for non-native Thai speakers. Test results can be used to meet admission requirements for Thai educational institutions or to assess and improve personal Thai language skills.

To pass Thai Competency Test (TCT) your proficiency needs to be at least B2 if not C1

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