Russian Language Class
Lingo is an official test centre
As an official test centre for MCYS and MFA officers, we take pride in ensuring the quality of our courses and assessments. With this expertise, we can deliver a comprehensive program that enables individuals to master the Russian language.
Small group classes
We limit group sizes to a maximum of 8 participants to ensure the quality of our Russian classes. When classes are small enough to facilitate individual student-teacher interaction, a minor miracle occurs: teachers teach, and students learn.
Centralised location
Our Russian language classes are conducted at United House, which is centrally located and accessible. It is just a 6-minute walk from Dhoby Ghaut or Somerset MRT station.
There is an Russian class for you

Join our Russian class at our convenient onsite location, just 6 minutes from Dhoby Ghaut and Somerset MRT stations. You’ll experience minimal hassle and travel time to reach us.
Group class starts at S$300 for 18 hours.
Private class starts at S$80/hour.

Learn online conveniently without the need to travel to our centre. You will receive the same attention as in an onsite class without the hassle.
Group class starts at S$300 for 18 hours.
Private class starts at S$50/hour.
Five progressive levels

Russian is the language of space
Along with English, Russian is the language of space. Astronauts have to learn Russian as part of their training and the computer system of the ISS uses both English and Russian.
Awards and Accolades

Rated best language class in Singapore

Do you have a question?
Feel free to send us a message on WhatsApp! We’re friendly and promise we don’t bite!